Thursday, January 21, 2010

Conscience....dead or dying????

The car came to a halt,

From the mirror, I look at the people around me,

They are all living a lie..

All I see in their eyes is a dream

A dream that they die for to fulfill

A dream that has made them materialistic

A dream that has made them blind to the sufferings of others,

All they care about is their family and themselves

Perhaps its time they realized their responsibility towards people less fortunate..

Understand the true reason of their existence

Realize that life is about sharing,

Sharing not sorrows but joys
Suddenly I notice a hand on the mirror,

Trying to close it
I notice that its me....


  1. good one man.. some similarity in our thoughts.. I would have liked to have had a pair of apostrophes before and after the word 'fortunate'. that's a word which demands a careful usage as I believe that it is we who create our own fortune..

    Conclusion? Are you another one in the crowd ???
    I would love to believe it's opposite...

  2. Hmmm... Mr.Avinash, we have to see to it that our dream is- "Sharing not sorrows but joys" over a greater population...I share the rebel in u...
